
March 19, 2007

Security pact within two countries

Filed under: Uncategorized — slam3 @ 3:46 pm

Japan and Australia decided to sign a security pact with one another.  They had economic relations in the past and now they are moving forward to a security pact.  Australia government provided aid (security) to the Japanese, when the Japanese had a mission in the city of Samawah.  Now that their relationship has grown throughout the years, it was time for the two countries to sign a security pact.  At the signing many discussions would arise.  Such as North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and Japanese commercial whaling.  Even though the two countries have close relations, they still disagree on some issues, such as the whaling situations.  Australian government does not support whaling while the Japanese government does.  Prime Minister John Howard says that discussion about whaling would come up in the signing.  With the oppositions between two countries, the signing would might lead to something else in the future. 


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